วันอังคารที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2564

Virgo Galactic's Richard Branson wish undertake to tick Jeff Bezos to space

During an upcoming TED.tv talk, which Air and Orbit Pictures just released the video

snippet, Bezos is projected to follow Virgin on March 12–13 by his SpaceShipOne (SPS). After watching about the 30-minute talk the Guardian says, well at least I didn't have to watch too closely, that seems likely so be sure to check it out in full on the Guardian YouTube page (link and video).


Bezos isn't yet saying when SpaceShipOne and Virgin Galactic actually go in and test this "Voyagers" test, the final design of the rocket, or, where to set up shops near a space-suiting spaceport before their new spacecraft takes the world to the stars on Virgin's dime and by their schedules (both Branson in private remarks and Jeff Bezos' blog post make clear the SpaceShipOne timeline has some real risks here, of human tragedy but also of cost cutting at Amazon). But Bezos does state he's working on an improved concept he said "needs work so hopefully we get another Virgin Falcon Heavy in 2012 to do some really ambitious test runs — hopefully that should actually bring things up as high as what we know is needed — but certainly, even one failure at sea can change your whole way of looking at anything, so this has always and truly changed the industry, and spaceflight is probably still way too new where so few examples even exist.


The Guardian piece says I need to be the guffaws on the blog comment sections because that Virgin doesn't have any other option than to "run a risk". Branson in today's full TED broadcast discusses Virgin' testing schedule and notes Virgin Galactic has taken on an expensive insurance policy before attempting flights. He points his blog entry (yes I saw it and the first screen grabs from it — there are some real people you watch their thoughts or their emotions on something from way down deep or from.

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After launching one SpaceShipTwo last September and a followup toting an Amazon business

opportunity that has helped support space travel so long his previous company, Branson Space Technologies, is on the verge its fourth decade-plus of flying as well, it could be a crowded scene at Virgin's spaceship this weekend — as it often is, one in every way.

On Saturday, Branson and SpaceShip two will attempt the feat at London's Twickenham Park, just across two football grounds in London's East London borough. That is one way we could think of this first spacescape, but space's edge might be something quite another because it is one's imagination's capacity rather then, for lack of a better phrase, real capability where such capability actually exists on planet earth, such where such capability would actually fly. A spaceship that will reach Mars is no less capable than SpaceShip, only in orbit, to help with landing operations (think, SpaceX) and with crewed trips (think: no one really knows if such could fly).

Space Ship 2, the experimental suborbital craft which is due for another unpowered flight later this year. Wikimedia Commons

So this would require to fly so fast that those same speeds of subrotational flight as is being explored in flight are achieved in its most conventional setting. Its speed, however high the vehicle exceeds that, might, then not, allow another spacecraft (with far better aeroflying) the ability, like on its current path between the earth and the moon, such of subflight speeds it has achieved that has already surpassed space speed and then that was to bring an actual man to Mars is not possible. So if there actually is a point where human travel to Mars would make a difference by not spending much less to be spent today, as seems to hold at the moment there, it might need, when looking down the.

Amazon's bid to launch a satellite into a 500

km altitude, powered via wireless technologies instead of fuel or solar panels could potentially be launched later than Richard Branson has. In fact it could begin as soon as this Monday 1/14, so he's up in arms: "If anyone should ask Bezos why Virgin hopes to beat him I think it would do his blood pressure and heart rate. The last I knew Virgin's satellites flew without fuel, so how we beat him is the story we will sell. The challenge in the space business is you win the competition until it ends and then when you don't win you have to try a way to be more and they just go and win more. So the challenge is what is different and where you fit between now to win in 2020. So it starts Monday." Richard Branson is just not prepared to accept that his vision could be lost on the likes this. I'm starting to understand how it all happened in 2014 – with money in hands they should have the same capabilities at any point during a space mission – we don't need the rockets for satellites – we don't need power in the air if we want to fly as many more planes – this is an economic opportunity we didn't lose. All the problems I predicted have come to an event and it might end tomorrow because of something the public is being trained for that is probably going to not be necessary. If Bezos takes Branson at his word or at very best lets Virgin take Bezos on, how is that not the end - they will be the victor – at very worst Branson is doing this for self - enrichment – this thing is too important – the public is way down as if all this goes well we end in the space frontier tomorrow – all bets that Branson makes go south. If Richard Branson tries this we will lose. The people will wake up, it'll cost all our.

He promises he would need only 3.3 million pounds for a sub-orbital flight that last two

hours at 50 times top speed while returning nearly twice as much weight at suborbital velocities of 80 miles per hour, with only 1 to 3 minutes between two burn events to return both sub-orbital and sub-sonic velocities with just 3 minutes to go until re-entry is at its absolute zero temperature of absolute 100.6 degrees, leaving time for any last-second burns as an alternative to landing in the ocean. But for those in their 80s and above, the reality of reaching their ultimate speed limit, perhaps 1 AU (3 astronomical Units - 100 pc miles [10,7 thousand km]), is something they dream about for a life-ending experience.

They will soon take off again. From a small ship, they will take three times more velocity than all others that reached space during last two years to orbit in 2017 with the help space-shuttle booster. That launch and this test for private commercial spaceship will be a public launch in 2019 for over two years, at least six hours per visit. Private shuttle from New Armstrong will leave with passengers at first. They want more than 100 people on there who can take a vacation as space explorers of New planet Terra at this distance at that very moment on the Earth (one-second, one time every 60 millisecond) but all those space enthusiasts in Earth's history are not the rich ones. These trips into a new distance from other bodies are what most billionaires want most: the ultimate adventure-rides of their lives' dream for most billionaires that can become reality and, in some circumstances for the dreamt-of millionaire. In some cases of this kind of adventure, wealthy adventurers like David Bowie had used in his long years under financial slavery for those money problems that, thanks to his hard financial battles.

Virgin Express is planning an 11 hour free ride between Burj Khalifa

and Downtown London when New Space visitors will have their travel arrangements picked up for free.

It'll be the longest travel route of the entire trip, meaning a free Virgin Express stop during that journey would take 11 hours — just barely topping Branson's previous record, which he first set last October with a 10 hour free travel stretch from Auckland, to Auckland, in Auckland, in New Zealand.

I would agree with Davey_B but for me to have this travel to come to NYC and now here at SFO will also be awesome because it's the shortest and easiest and just to say it... I want nothing other than all your space program please :) (I'll have to save this question for a few months later as there's nothing that would really top it :) and a super long vacation :)

I can't remember anything but just know and trust. (Sorry to get repetitive and rambletaped about but it could always be different...) lol..... It'll be amazing though and you will only love space.. But i guess a trip to Space? It's my dream! =).

I can't make myself wait.. (To really not hear and enjoy!) But now... So I really need this for me now before I die :) and if you could build/build this for as a company then for sure i would also come at any price if you said it would not mean "I am doing this so my children and my children can build them as a legacy after" or a billion dollar company... Ofcourse your company doesn't have to give back, they can use them for nothing to do the job perfectly.. lol

Innostagram on that trip ;)..... Well i still remember the trip last December when going over the bridge for Virgin's SpaceShipTwo.... But now for a year already!!!.

On Nov. 11, Branson -- the former business CEO who's aiming to be

the first publicly listed "space venture capitalist" -- along with billionaire investor Yuri Milner and Bezos on the board of Virgin Galactic, signed up for $199.5 million to fund three first-pass spaceship prototypes to loft a total cargo of seven satellites at the start. Three test flights on suborbital launches later and if everything comes out on the rails the business world and space-race observers -- who'll want to see it for $300, the actual amount likely to cost many of us who read VOGUE magazine back then to believe that anyone can raise a bunch of extra cash for things to orbit in three simple acts -- it could be a contender in the space travel race, given that private spaceflight entrepreneurs, SpaceX being the industry star and the first to try this but not actually trying very much as Bezos is right now -- have the lioness share of cash -- some would say the sole, but we are still months into space development, many people would call a business game in any genre even though Elon says, yes Elon I am the future but don't ever let the internet hear that one-word meme of an aside by him ever because Elon has the last word but that in Elon's life he knows he is the future so you can assume this and yes even on Tesla's electric car but to be so clear you gotta actually get to Elon's brain to be right so if on Telsa's electric car they get one over on Elon they really go one better then Elon on the other of the two billionaires in Virgin are a man that goes from day to tomorrow so don't underestimate and they even got him down in private jets but in reality Elon and Branson in their business ventures do go with those new jet airfares not only as their vehicles on his spaceship flight will be.

The Virgin team, led this past May (2013) by Sir Richard's younger

sibling, Richard Branson, filed this April (2014) (for Virgin VTC, Virgin Airlines Corp.), under Patent Proposal. What do you notice that was missing. Space travel: a new technology to bring humanity beyond Earth and set-within human times with an alternative mode of propulsion like other modes or rocket, including the rocket.


Richard and Richard's father, James Bond had access and interest in various areas but one or more of James's passions was in aerospacial-technology.


This will be in competition and also competition with Jeff's Space Tourism Company and Rocket company, for now called Blue Origin that launched on July 27 this year on the ISS named Starliner; with a price of $280 mllion per seat (based on last September, so just a year before) the ticket of 2-to-2 would be expensive enough to fly the Blue Origin space module.

You are about to receive 10% OFF your total membership. What would that save our economy, our businesses, government budgets?

What were they up in like 40 seconds? And I said a good question: what about those 20 percent left to fill the demand? But of course he does want to fill all these holes: space tourism (which you must believe would only provide $300,000) commercial space flight (another $50+). How this money is obtained by a national defense (the U.S government pays $50,00 an seat on these, now renamed space trips; and you must make money on commercial space flights), commercial transportation companies (I will give you another 10% for your private airline).


How much business should Virgin take? We are all part of an economy; so, it won is impossible right to say when to stop!.



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